Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Reagan is our Joy!

As a photographer, you get the privilege and complete honor to photograph the most life changing events. It's not ever something I take lightly, because in truth, I am always honored and humbled to be there; to bear witness to the things in life that change us, grow us and break us so badly that they restore us, a humans. I am constantly in awe of things lately, so much so that I often find myself opening my right hand, and lifting it. Saying to my father in Heaven, "this is yours," This same hand is one that held my brother in law Ray's hand, just over a month ago, before he died, and I can still feel his hand in mine, each time. The journey with Reagan is one that from the minute I heard about her story, I wanted to be there, I wanted to cover her precious time with us like a fly on the wall and bear witness to how much she was loved. I adored this precious and tiny girl from the minute I saw her, she was a sweet one, and a fighter you could tell. I loved her, and I am not even her mother, but man, she was a beautiful one. It is amazing when the people you are photographing trust you, and allow you to explore along with them the great depths of the emotions. We didn't know how much time we'd have with her, but God gave us 24 hours to savor such a Joy as Reagan... and it was precious. When you photograph something like this, you participate, it becomes personal, it becomes something you have to do for your soul. Giving, is a gift, a blessing. There was a moment, when it felt like the whole room was crying, and a moment when from behind the camera you could hear my gasps for air as I sobbed. At that moment, I just knew that Ray, my  sweet and precious brother in law, Ray, was going to be looking out for Reagan when she arrived in Heaven. I just know it.


ABrouwer said...

Molly these are wonderful. They are very lucky to have had you there to document there little love's short life so lovingly and tastefully. You should be very proud of these photos. Thank you for sharing them with the rest of us. Much love.


Abbey Lyon, LEED AP, Architectural and Interior Designer said...

Wow. I am bawling. What an amazing story, a reminder of how precious life is. I have complete admiration for this family who chose not to be filled with anger or regret in their situation but instead chose to gleefully anticipate and celebrate the miracle of Reagan's birth and life, no matter how short. Thank you for sharing this with me.

Basir Seerat's Photography. said...

good job, very exiting sets.

Ter said...

Molly these are beautiful. What loving moments you have captured that will be cherished for a lifetime.

Chicago Wedding Photojournalist said...





is precious.

Linda Crayton Photography said...

What an incredible tribute... You touched my soul.